Class Recordings
Apprenticeship Program Forum 6 replies 1 likes 222 viewsHello, everyone!
I am sharing the links to the classes that I have. I have received many requests, and I will do my best to keep it updated but only by month.
I have asked Cyndi’s staff and I am allowed to share these links with our classmates here on this forum from the Apprenticeship. All links are set to expire November 18th. Please download by then.
If I run out of storage space, I may need to remove the older recordings to make room for the new.
I do not have April 30th class. Please share if you do.
Blessings to each of you as you travel in this apprenticeship.
Karen Benham
March Classes!AptNSKis0Tobqg_HJZUduHKIH-XJ?e=A6zhb2
April Classes!AptNSKis0Tobqg4HBoKaHcrLIWmi?e=GTp1HS
May Classes!AptNSKis0TobqhD5EFAWTN28As5_?e=70ceHG
June Classes!AptNSKis0TobqhHk8BNP_K6sr6p4?e=MwQAQT
July Classes!AptNSKis0TobqBF6s0wUbMMuHmE-?e=GBPwjl