Cyndi Dale’s Intensive Energy Clinics 2018 – All Six (1-6)!


Buy all Six of Cyndi’s pre-recorded Intensive Energy Clinics and save.

Clinic 1: Vital Energy Tools: Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace

Clinic 2: Clairempathy, Energetic Boundaries and Attachments, Releasing the Dark

Clinic 3: Clairvoyance and Clairaudience

Clinic 4: Advanced Clairvoyance and Clairaudience

Clinic 5: Dealing with (and Healing from) Trauma

Clinic 6: The Molecules of Joy: Activating Your True Self Biologically and Spiritually



Buy all Six of Cyndi's Intensive Energy Clinics and save!

Clinic 1: Vital Energy Tools: Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace

Clinic 2: Clairempathy, Energetic Boundaries and Attachments, Releasing the Dark

Clinic 3: Clairvoyance and Clairaudience

Clinic 4: Advanced Clairvoyance and Clairaudience

Clinic 5: Dealing with (and Healing from) Trauma

Clinic 6: The Molecules of Joy: Activating Your True Self Biologically and Spiritually

Work with one of the most respected and powerful energy teachers on this planet, the author of 27 books on energy medicine.

Each of these pre-recorded two-hour webinars features a formidable and life-changing topic in the subtle energy arena. These clinics are designed for all developmental levels so you can immediately apply these concepts in your everyday and professional life.

Cyndi’s focus is the energetic principles and techniques that achieve the following goals:

Eliminate the presence of dark energies and negative beliefs
Build stronger energetic boundaries
Empower your sense of self, individual gifts, and purpose
Heal the issues in the way of a stupendous life
Increase your life force and energy
Activate your ability to attract supportive people and opportunities

These clinics are available in two groups of three. While you can take the classes as one-offs, it’s far more practical and economical to purchase a unit of three or all six classes.

Note: To take the last five classes, however, you MUST take the first class: Vital Energy Tools, unless you’ve taken Cyndi’s Normandale College classes, an Apprenticeship Program, or one of her weekend training programs. Even if you miss this class, you can purchase it as a stand-alone which you can complete before you take any other class.


Classes are in a clinic structure with the following:

Instruction. Approximately one hour.
Practice. Demonstrations and technique. Approximately one-half hour.
Questions. Response to questions and additional demonstrations. One-half hour.