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Cyndi Dale’s Advanced Apprenticeship 2021: Energetic Mysteries: Interdimensional Connectedness Across Time and Space

April 26, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - December 12, 2021 @ 8:00 pm


Cyndi Dale's

Advanced Apprenticeship Program 2021

Energetic Mysteries: Interdimensional Connectedness Across Time and Space

April 26 - December 12, 2021

An online program for graduates of Cyndi's Apprenticeship Program, Normandale Energy Certificate, The Shift Network's Amplify Essential Energy, and Advanced Radical Energy Medicine

What cornerstones in the Universe hold the secrets to reality? What different cultures across time and space, including Earth and elsewhere, hold the mysteries explaining our profound powers and knowledge?

In this exploration, we'll venture in to places not often probed or investigated. Our goal is to uncover uncommon sources of wisdom and activate the related gifts within us.

Each of the eight modules led by Cyndi will feature a unique and intensive odyssey to include resource materials, demonstrations, and the teaching of at least one energetic technique, along with the opportunity to remain for a break-out group. Also offered are four practice modules, led by energy expert colleagues Jo-Anne Brown and Jill Sonnek.


This is an online program for graduates of Cyndi’s Apprenticeship Program, Normandale Energy Certificate, The Shift Network’s Amplify Essential Energy, and Advanced Radical Energy Medicine.


The class will be held on Monday evenings and culminate in a final weekend on Zoom, and is composed  of two functions:

Eight modules led by Cyndi between 6-8 p.m. Central Time (Minneapolis time). Instruction occurs between 6-7:30 p.m., and break-out groups begin at 7:30 p.m.

Four practice sessions to occur between 6-7:30 Central Time. Jo-Anne Brown and Jill Sonnek lead these sessions.

You will be provided an MP4 after every class and participation handouts. We will interact on Zoom.

The final weekend will be held on December 11th and 12th through Zoom. Our Saturday hours are 10-4 Central Time, and Sunday hours are 10-3 Central time.


Cyndi’s Modules

Monday, April 26th

Monday, May 24th

Monday, June 21st

Monday, July 12th

Monday, August 23th

Monday, September 20th

Monday, October 18th

Monday, November 15th

Zoom Weekend: December 11th and 12th

Practice Sessions

Jill Sonnek: May 17th

Jill Sonnek: June 28th

Jo-Anne Brown: Monday, August 30th

Jo-Anne Brown: Monday, October 25th

Want to know what we’ll be exploring? Take a look…


Module One: Teachings of the Light

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Learn about the “Absolute Light” and the communities that have lived by the Teachings of the Light. We’ll include Enoch and Moses, whose teachings have been embodied in certain Essene communities; an interplanetary Scholar Society that Cyndi intuitively connected within Iceland, Wales, Morocco, Spain, and other sites; studies of ancient lodges and secret societies; and interpretations of spiritual and religious prophecies and stories (to include that of the Three Magi, writings by Manly Hall, and more).

Participants will be supported in connecting safely to these Teachings and using gamma consciousness to connect to a Teaching or Teacher.


Practice Group

Monday, May 17th, 2021
Jill Sonnek


Module Two: Healing, Manifesting and Prophesizing with the Spoken Word (Word of Knowledge)

Monday, May 24th, 2021

One of the most intensively powerful ways of commanding changes in cultures worldwide has been through the use of the Spoken Word. In the New Testament, this ability has also been called The Word of Knowledge.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, many wise people used this ability. We will explore certain gifts of these prophets, including Elisha and John the Baptist, and those from other cultures and spiritualities. We’ll also discern the keys to awakening and effectively employing this innate divine gift. We’ll then effect change with our own ability to command the Spoken Word.


Module Three: Balancing the Divine Feminine and Masculine

Monday, June 21st, 2021

How can we embrace—and be thoroughly embraced by—both the Divine Feminine and Masculine? First, we’ll cover Cyndi’s philosophy of how the gods, goddesses, and spiritual icons are actual beings that reflect specific qualities of the Source. Then, we’ll meet six of the carriers of the Divine Feminine and six of the Divine Masculine. From different cultures, these beings will become the fodder for gaining the personalized experience of being a Divine Child.


Practice Group

June 28th, 2021

Jill Sonnek


Module Four: Teachings from the Stars Amongst Indigenous Communities

Monday, July 12th, 2021

At least 27 world cultures assert that their original people came from the stars. Even more, have passed on traditions from contact with beings from other planets and constellations. We’ll explore a handful of these societies and emphasize the philosophies, codes, and practices that are the most common. We’ll then intuitively search our bloodlines to activate abilities and gifts that we might carry within.


Module Five: Healing Energies Available from Other Planets

Monday, August 23th, 2021

There is a myriad of planets and constellations that we can reach in current time. Upon them are beings willing to share their secrets and practices with us, as well as guidance. Which planet or star place calls to you? How can you connect and bring through the healing and manifesting energies that can elevate your consciousness and spiritual powers? We’ll examine an expanded list of different planets and constellations that have been said to be available and leave room for contact with the unknown.


Practice Session

Monday, August 30th, 2021
Jo-Ann Brown


Module Six: Origins and Practices from Ancient Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Amongst a far-off constellation, an explosion occurred. Then another two planets were destroyed. After each, the planetary inhabitants fled to new homes, including the Earth. Certain arrivals were thousands of years apart. This basic storyline marks the existence of the Lemurians, Atlanteans, and the early Egyptians. What philosophies and capabilities were endemic to each society? What aptitudes can be awakened within us now? Come and enjoy the tale of these cultures and add to your abilities.


Module Seven: Excavating Celtic Mysticism

Monday, October 18th, 2021

The culture of the Celts was widespread around much of Europe for thousands of years. Though probably originating in Eastern Europe, the Celts created powerful traditional, indigenous medicines; and cosmological views explaining great mysteries; and practices of a magical proportion. After examining Celtic history, we’ll analyze their viewpoints, spiritual traditions, and approaches to health—which by the way, are very similar to those found in Hinduism. We’ll then examine the primary groupings of their mystical and healing orders and views, including the Bards, Ovates (who transcend time), and Druids. We’ll speak to the concept of “betwixt and between,” and within one of these in-between spaces, contact a being from each of these three orders.


Practice Session

Monday, October 25th, 2021
Jo-Ann Brown


Module Eight: Welsh and Other British Creatures

Monday, November 15th, 2021

What can we gain—or give—by contacting some of the interdimensional beings inherent to the ancient (and current) Welsh? Let’s meet the Adar Llwch Gwin (griffon), Y Gwyllgi (black dog), Morgens (water nymphs), Y Draig (dragon), unicorns, Coblynau (mining spirits), Y tylwyth Teg (faeries of the water), and the phoenix. What are these beings? What might they become to us? Let’s play in Wales and activate our magical mysteries.

About Cyndi's Teaching Colleagues

Jo-Anne Brown, Intuitive Alchemist

In Jo’s Intuitive Alchemy sessions, she combines intuition with alchemy – in response to your needs and concerns!

During your session, Jo will share intuitive guidance with you, to contribute to your healing – spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. She will also work with you to transform and “alchemize” less-than-supportive dynamics within your energetic system into positive opportunities for manifesting and growth. She can also energetically scan you to support and cleanse specific aspects of your energetic system that are under stress, including specific organs, meridians, and chakras, and bodily issues down to the cellular level. During client sessions, toxins, microbial overload, and other negative influences will have been identified and deactivated.

Jill Sonnek, Subtle Energy Consultant

“Once I understood the connection between the acceptance of Divine Love, and how energy moves around and through the body, I was healed.  I decided to share this experience with others. I believe all healing comes from the acceptance of Divine Love. After I affirm that truth in my clients, the healing is accomplished--not by me, but through me.” -Jill Sonnek

Jill’s passion for energy healing began over thirteen years ago, after receiving a mixed diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain syndrome.  Medical experts said there was no cure, only pain management. They placed Jill on multiple medications. With the pain still persisted, Jill became determined to find a solution and began exploring alternative healing. Since then, she’s been on a successful healing journey, which has turned into a journey now based on healing others.

Jill has a unique ability to look at the whole person--body, spirit, and soul--to discern what areas need healing. She then works with the Divine to accomplish whatever task is necessary. Activities can include repairing energy fields and chakras and also transforming soul wounds.  She can also assess for and clear generational patterns that affect energy. As well, Jill senses spiritual beings and removes negative interference.  She has employed her gifts to eliminate demonic influences, clear negative energy from businesses and homes, and create harmony in the body and soul.



Make three payments of $583.33 every other month for 6 months, for a total price of $1750.


The payments must be made in full to participate in the class. Once we begin the class, $500 of the amount is non-refundable. We will pro-rate any refunds minus the $500 until July 15, 2021. After that time, we make no refunds, but you will continue to receive the downloads and weekend video.

This online program is for graduates of Cyndi’s Apprenticeship Program, Normandale Energy Certificate, The Shift Network’s Amplify Essential Energy, and Advanced Radical Energy Medicine.


April 26, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
December 12, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
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